The Girls
Every year we help 120 girls succeed in school.
In addition to her scholarship, which covers the cost of books, bus fares and uniform, each girl attends two residential coaching and life skills camps, has help with her homework, uses our library, has a health check-up, and goes on an educational or cultural outing. In addition, we follow her carefully, ensuring that any obstacles at home or at school are dealt with before they become insurmountable for her.
Meet Some of our Scholarship girls
Meet Some of our Scholarship girls:
And Some of our ex-Scholarship girls
N Kalaivani, Valathudu
As a child I loved to read and study and go to school. When I was in Class 6, my family being poor, was diuscussing that I should not study further. That is when SED stepped in and Ambika and Kanmani, SED staff explained to my parents that SED would extend a scholarship to me and I should continue my studies. I wrote the entrance test conducted by SED and I was selected for the scholarship.
I joined SED in 2004-05. I completed my Class 12. I joined college for a Bachelor of Science degree and also got an SED scholarship for the first year in college. I have a B. Sc degree and I also have completed my degree in education B.Ed.
I passed examination for the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Group 2A and I am now employed in the employed Tamil Nadu Secretariat office. I am very happy I have got a government job.
I cannot thank SED enough for the support they have given me through the school years. SED not only works in the field of girls’ education but for me it has actually secured my future too. I gained a lot in the educational camps. And for our sake the parents’ camp that they are conducting has benefitted my parents too. They understood the real meaning of girls’ education.
Thank you SED.
C Arputham, Malayangulam Village
I joined SED in 2003-04. I had dropped out of Class V due to my family circumstances. Kanmani akka (sister) enrolled me in the evening classes and the next year SED admitted me in school in Class 6. SED has helped me tremendously in my studies.
From being a school dropout I completed diploma in nursing assistance. I worked in a clinic and was earning Rs 15,000 a month. I have stopped work to look after my two small children. I will go back to work soon.
It is because of SED that I have a diploma in nursing assistance and I can also work.
I learnt a lot from SED. From the food they provided during our camps to the teachers who patiently taught me and guided me to get good marks in the final year of school- I am indebted to SED.
Thanks you SED.